External Transport Manager Services
Hi, my name is Paul Stringer. I am an external transport manager based in Seaford, Sussex and Southampton, Hampshire.
External transport managers deal with compliance in the road haulage industry. I have a national goods certificate of professional competence (TM-CPC) and I provide my services to operators in Sussex and Hampshire and up to south London.
As an external transport manager I am obliged to engage in continuing professional development (CPD), I choose to take the RHA transport managers refresher course which I most recently completed late 2023.
External transport managers tend not to be heavily involved in day-to-day operations. Our job is to keep an overview, mostly around maintenance and drivers hours and to ensure planned activities (PMI’s, MOT’s etc) are completed satisfactorily and on time and to maintain open lines of communication with management and to a lesser but still essential degree with drivers.
Compliance in the road haulage industry has never been more challenging. A transport managers duties and responsibilities are laid out in law. It can be seen that the role of transport manager carries significant responsibilities.
Within this site you will find logically organised links mostly to .gov webpages concerned with road haulage operations. Operators will find much of what they need to know at our O licence page. Drivers will find much useful information on our HGV driver info page.